Developing Future Leaders
Leadership labs are the primary means through which UConn Army ROTC cadets develop and refine their officer skill set. Over the course of the academic year, weekly labs focus on a wide range of topics to supplement the curriculum covered in Military Science classes. Cadets will test their skills in exciting exercises ranging from land navigation to small unit tactics. Senior cadets are responsible for planning and executing the labs while younger cadets learn through hands-on experience. This dynamic encourages the development of strong leadership and communication skills, and instills confidence in foundational Army knowledge throughout the year.
- Cadet receiving LACE report during battle drill
- Cadets qualify at the range
- Cadet establishing security during a battle drill
- Cadets push forward during squad ambush
- Cadets standing at attention during Drill and Ceremony lab
- Cadets rehearse battle drills during Leadership Lab
- Cadets prone in security during the Fall Field Training Exercise
A Variety of Skills
Over the course of the year, cadets will familiarize themselves with the following topics:
- Drill and Ceremony
- US Weapon Systems
- Land Navigation
- First Aid
- Squad Tactics
- Platoon Tactics
- Radio Operation and Etiquette