Fall 2019 UConn Alpha Company Senior Week

Newly Minted MSIVs from Alpha Company have returned to campus following Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox, KY where they have demonstrated their skills as MSIIIs in individual, squad, and platoon level events. Now, they must work together to plan and execute training similar to those events in order to train the incoming MSIII class.
The first meeting began on August 19th, 2019 at 0900 with an in brief from the new Company Commander, Cadet Goss, who was named Cadet of the Year for Alpha Company in 2019. Working closely with the First Sergeant, CDT Adler, and the S-3, CDT Davis, CDT Goss began tasking out roles to his subordinate MSIVs in order to begin the planning process for the remainder of the semester. In his office, CDT Goss began drawing up plans for the semester with CDT Davis while creating specific assignments and due dates for each day for every assigned position.
Before the conclusion of the week, the class of MSIVs as a whole got the opportunity to sit with LTC Morris as well as other Cadre and discuss their experiences at Advanced Camp and how their training during their MSIII year helped them there. At the same time, sustains and improves of the previous year were discussed as well as ways in which training can be updated to reflect the differences between CST 2019 and CST 2018. While these changes are mostly to be implemented in weekly leadership labs and Physical Readiness Training, some will affect Military Science class, having the possibility to change the coursework even MSIs are asked to undertake.
By the end of the week, a successful training meeting was conducted after being rehearsed and the new MSIVs had completed the hardest part of their acclimation to their new positions. With plans in place for FTX and six weeks of training planned out completely, the MSIV class was ready to receive the rest of the company and begin the Fall semester’s training. As the clock begins to count down to CST 2020, the MSIV class will continue to work tirelessly to provide the best training and preparation for the Army’s newest generation of Officers.