Sports Challenge

In years past we hold a physically and mentally taxing event in which a D1 sports team will go through similar physical training that we go through as Cadets. This is designed to test the physical limits and mental toughness of those involved through a series of lanes run by Cadets.
Saturday morning, the Alpha Company Cadets assisting with the sports challenge reported to Horsebarn Hill to set up their respective lanes and rehearse before the team got there. There were five lanes for this challenge: the CASEVAC, the minefield, the memory puzzle, the smoker lane, and the individual movement technique (IMT) lane. Upon arrival of the team, they split up into five groups and were led by their team leader to their starting lane. The CASEVAC lane involved the use of skedcos and buddy carries to move all designated personnel to the top of the hill designed to test the physical limits and problem-solving abilities of each participant. The minefield lane involved 16 squares on the ground. The teams had to find a specific sequence through trial and error only moving left, right, forward and backward. Every failure resulted in a 200m sprint. This was designed as a mental test, as well as an endurance test. The memory puzzle was a matching game utilizing a six by six puzzle. Team members had to sprint to the top of the hill, flip two cards, spring back down and brief their teammates within 10 seconds of return. Those not flipping the cards were doing exercises at the bottom of the hill. This was a memory and endurance test. The smoker lane was just that, designed to test the mental and physical strength of each participant. This event included team totals of 1000 pushups, 1000 sit-ups, 30 hill sprints, 600 flutter kicks, 600 jumping air squats, and 600 jumping lunges. The IMT lane was designed to show the participants exactly what Cadets must do in the field when in tactical environments. This included a linked-arm low crawl, a bear crawl, a crab walk, and a three to five second buddy rush up the hill. This took place in steps, and following this, the team had to buddy carry designated persons back to the start point of the lane.
UConn ROTC has continued its great relationship with the swimming and diving team and we have invited them back to participate in our sports challenge again next year. The Cadets participating made this a worthwhile, and very entertaining event for both parties.